Abyssal Blade
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Item Details

Abyssal Blade
Active: Overwhelm
Stuns a target enemy unit for 1.6 seconds.
Pierces Spell Immunity.
Range: 150
Passive: Bash
Grants melee heroes a 25% chance on hit to stun the target for 1.2 seconds and deal 120 bonus physical damage. Bash chance for ranged heroes is 10%.
Passive: Damage Block
Grants a 60% chance to block 70 damage from incoming attacks on melee heroes, and 35 damage on ranged.
The stun is melee range.
Does not stack with other bashes, and does not grant bash to Clones and Tempest Doubles.
Multiple sources of damage block do not stack.
Dispellable by strong dispels only.
The lost blade of the Commander of the Abyss, this edge cuts into an enemy's soul.
Available at Secret Shop