Helm of the Dominator
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Item Details

Helm of the Dominator
Active: Dominate
Takes control of one neutral, non-ancient target unit and sets its movement speed to 380 and max health to a minimum of 1000. Also provides the unit with +25 base attack damage, +12 health regen, +4 mana regen and +4 armor.
Dominated units with a max health of greater than 1000 retain their original max health. Dominated unit's bounty is set to 100 gold.
Range: 700
Cannot dominate more than one unit at a time. If a new unit is dominated, the old one will die.
Can also Dominate enemy lane creeps and summoned units.
Selling Helm of the Dominator will cause dominated units to die.
The powerful headpiece of a dead necromancer.
Available at Home Shop