Overwhelming Blink
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Overwhelming Blink
Active: Overwhelming Blink
Teleport to a target point up to 1200 units away.
After teleportation, all enemies in a {"value"=>"800", "affected_by_aoe_increase"=>"1"} AoE take damage equal to 100 + %damage_pct_instang% of your strength and an additional 100% over time, and have 50% movement speed slow and 50 attack speed slow for 6 seconds.
Overwhelming Blink cannot be used for 3.0 seconds after taking damage from an enemy hero or Roshan.
Self-casting will cause you to teleport in the direction of your team's fountain.
If you used Overwhelming Blink to teleport to a distance over the maximum range, you'll be teleported 4/5 of the maximum range instead.
A horrifying dagger forged in the chaos maw and nigh untouchable by mortal hands.
Available at Secret Shop